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Dr. Cristina Gutiérrez Sánchez

gutierrez sanchez 


PostDoc in the independent junior resenrch group in the field of
Nanotechnology and Bioelectrochemistry of the federal state NRW at the University Siegen.


Universität Siegen
Junior research group Dr. Gilbert Nöll
57068 Siegen

Telephone: +49 271 740-4361
Telefax: +49 271 740-4362
E-Mail: sanchez@chemie.uni-siegen.de
Room: AR-F 001

Curriculum Vitae



  Born 22-05-1980 in Toledo, Spain

Professional experience

Since 02/2013 Work as a postdoc in the junior research group of Dr. Gilbert Nöll, Department of Organic Chemistry, Siegen University
01/2008 - 06/2012 Predoctoral researcher in the Bioelectrocatalysis Laboratory of the Catalysis Institute (CSIC), Madrid. Director: Dr. Antonio López De Lacey
09/2007 - 12/2007 Predoctoral researcher in the Inorganic Chemistry and Chemistry Technology Group from the UNED, Madrid. Director: Dr. Rosa M. Martín Aranda
03/2004 - 12/2006 Professional activity. Chemist in a private company


01/2008 - 07/2012 Ph.D. in Chemistry entitled "Covalent and oriented immobilization strategies of metalloenzymes over nano-structured electrodes". Universidad Nacional de Educatión a Distancia (UNED). Consejo Superior de Investigationes Científicas (CSIC), Supervisor: Dr. Antonio L. De Lacey
11/2007 - 12/2009 Master Thesis entitled "Synthesis of coumarins by Pechmann Reaction and zeolite activation by ultrasounds". Universidad Nacional de Education a Distancia (UNED). Supervisor: Dr. Rosa Martín Aranda

12/2006 - 01/2007

Master Degree in Clinical Chemistry. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
11/1998-06/2004 Chemistry Degree. Universidad Autónoma Madrid (UAM)

 Language Skills

  English (fluent)