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Dall , S. R. X., Giraldeau , L.-A., Olsson, O., McNamara, J. & Stephens, D. W. 2005. Information and its use by animals in evolutionary   ecology . Trends in Ecol . Evol . 20, 187-193

Danchin , E., Giraldeau , L.-A., Valone , T. J. & Wagner, R. H. 2004. Public information : from noisy neighbors to cultural evolution . Science   305, 487-491

Doucet , S. M., Yezerinac , S M. & Montgomerie, R. 2004. Do female zebra finch ( Taeniopygia guttata castanotis ) copy each others mate   preferences ? Can. J. Zool. 82, 1-7

Druillion , D., & Dubois, F. 2008. Mate- choice copying by female zebra finches , Taeniopygia guttata : what happens when model females   provide inconsistent information ? Behav . Evol . Sociobiol . 63, 269-276

Dubois , F. 2007. Mate- choice copying´in monogamous species : should females use public information to choose extrapair mates ? Anim .   Behav . 74, 1785-1793

Endler , J. A. & Basolo , A. L. 1998. Sensory ecology , receiver biases and sexual selection.Trends Ecol . Evol . 13, 415-420.

Freeberg , T. M., Duncan, S. D., Kast, T. L. & Enstrom , D. A. 1999. Cultural influences on female mate choice : an experimental test in   cowbirds , Molothrus ater . Anim . Behav . 57, 421-426.

Heyes , C. M. 1994. Social learning in animals : categories and mechanisms . Biol . Rev . Camb . Philos . Soc.69, 207-231.

Hörster , A., Curio , E. & Witte, K., 2000. No sexual imprinting on a red bill as a novel trait . Behaviour 137, 1223-1239.

Krebs , J. R. & Davies, N. B. (1996). Einführung in die Verhaltensökologie. Berlin Blackwell Wissenschaftsverlag.

Mousseau , T. A. & Fox, C. W. 1998. Maternal effects as adaptations . Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Møller , A. P. & Alatalo , R. V. 1999. Good -genes effects in sexual selection . Proc . R. Soc . Lond B 266, 85-91.

Swaddle , J. P., Cathey , M. G., Correll , M. & Hodkinson, B. P. 2005. Socially transmitted mate preferences in a monogamous bird : a non-  genetic mechanism of secual selection . Proc . R. Soc . B. 272, 1053-1058

Trivers , R. L. (1972). Parental investment and sexual selection . In Sexual Selection and the descent of man (Campbell, B., ed .) 1871-  1971. Chicago, Aldine Atherton, pp. 136-179

Westneat , D. F., Walters, A., McCarthy, T. M., Hatch , M. & Hein, W. K. 2000. Alternative mechanisms of nonindependent mate choice .   Anim . Behav . 59, 467-476

Witte , K. 2006. Mate choice in fish . In: Fish Cognition and Behaviour , Ed. Brown, C., Laland , K. N. & Krause, J. Blackwell Publishing,   p.70-95.

Witte , K. & Caspers, B. 2006. Sexual imprinting on a novel blue ornament in zebra finches . Behaviour 143, 969-991

Witte , K. & Curio , E., 1999. Sexes of a monomorphic species differ in preference for mates with a novel trait . Behavioral Ecology 10, 15-  21.

Witte , K., Hirschler, U. & Curio , E., 2000. Sexual imprinting on a novel adornment influences mate preferences in the Javanese Mannikin .   Ethology 106, 349-363.

Witte , K. & Sawka , K. 2003. Sexual imprinting on a novel trait in the dimorphic zebra finch : sexes differ . Anim . Behav . 65, 195-203

Zann , R. A. 1996. The zebra finch . A Synthesis of field and Laboratory Studies. Oxford Ornithology Series.´


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