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Information on analytical chemistry courses in the degree programs offered by the Department of Chemistry and Biology

Office hours for students:

I offer office hours for your questions related to the analytical chemistry courses:
Every Thursday during the semester between 1 pm and 2 pm
(no appointment necessary). If you need an appointment outside of office hours, please contact huebner@chemie.uni-siegen.de.

Course description and course registration:

For detailed course descriptions, scheduling, and course registration visit UNISONO

Teaching material:

Teaching material for all courses is provided in MOODLE.
Registration details (password) will be provided to students during the first lecture. Students must sign up for the MOODLE courses to receive course notes and news. For links to the individual courses see the table below.

Registration deadlines:

Please note that students have to register for all lectures, seminars, and laboratory courses in UNISONO by the deadlines published by the University of Siegen. In addition, students musts register for individual exams and study credits in Unisono according to the deadlines published by the chemistry examination office.
Our teaching related news will be posted in the individual MOODLE courses (see links below). Students must sign up for the MOODLE courses to receive course notes and news.

List of all courses offered by Prof. Engelhard in the degree programs of the Department of Chemistry and Biology

Winter Semester:

Bachelor degree program "Chemie", 5th semester: 

Course DescriptionContact Detailed Description in UNISONOTeaching Material in Moodle
Lecture and seminar "Spektroskopische Methoden" (in German)
Dr. Paululat,
Prof. Engelhard
Course no. 401013100VMoodle course "SpekMeth - BSc."


Bachelor degree program "Chemie", 5th semester:

Course DescriptionContact Detailed Description in UNISONO
Teaching Material in Moodle 
Elective course "Wahlpflichtfach Analytische Chemie" (in German)
Prof. EngelhardCourse no. 404016110VMoodle course link Wahlpflichtfach Analytische Chemie
"Vertiefungspraktikum" Prof. Engelhard
 Please contact Prof. Engelhard, Dr. Hafez or PhD students if you are interested to perform research in the group. Individual literature will be provided during the first meeting with the supervisor.


Master degree program Chemistry, 1st semester:

Course Description ContactDetailed Description in UNISONOTeaching Material in Moodle
Lecture and laborytory course
"Modern Analytical Chemistry I" (in English)

Prof. Engelhard,
Dr. Hafez

Lecture: 404021110V
Lab. course: 404021120V
Moodle "AnalyticalChem1"


Master degree program Chemistry, 3rd semester:

Course Description ContactDetailed Description in UNISONOTeaching Material in Moodle
Lecture and seminar on "Ambient Mass Spectrometry
and Special Topics" (in English)
Prof. EngelhardCourse no. 404023110VMoodle "AnalyticalChem3"
Research project I/II (in English)Prof. EngelhardCourse no. 404023120VIndividual material will be provided during the first research project meeting with the supervisor. Please contact Prof. Engelhard, Dr. Hafez or PhD students if you are interested to perform a research project in the group.


Master degree program Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 3rd semester:

Course Description ContactDetailed Description in UNISONOTeaching Material in Moodle
Lecture and seminar on "Methods and Techniques for Surface Analysis" (in English)

Prof. Schönherr
Prof. Engelhard

Course no. 406023320VMoodle "SurfAnalysis"



Summer Semester:

Bachelor degree program "Chemie", 2nd semester: 

Course DescriptionContactDetailed Description in UNISONOTeaching Material in Moodle 
Lecture "Analytische Chemie" (in German)
Prof. EngelhardCourse no. 404012110VMoodle "Analyt. Chem."
Laboratory course "Analytische Chemie" (in German)
Prof. Engelhard,
Dr. Hafez
Course no. 404063010VMoodle "AnalytChemPrak"


Master degree program Chemistry, 2nd semester:

Course DescriptionContactDetailed Description in UNISONOTeaching Material in Moodle
Lecture "Modern Analytical Chemistry II" (in English)Prof. EngelhardCourse no. 404022110VMoodle "AdvAnalytChem"
Laboratory course "Modern Analytical Chemistry II" (in English)Prof. EngelhardCourse no. 404012000VMoodle "AdvAnalChemLAB"
Seminar "Modern Analytical Chemistry II" (in English)Prof. EngelhardCourse no. 404022130VMoodle "AdvAnalChemSeminar"


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