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Gierszewski S , Bleckmann H, Schluessel V (2013) Cognitive Abilities in Malawi Cichlids (Pseudotropheus sp.): Matching-to-Sample and Image/Mirror-Image Discriminations. PLoS ONE 8(2): e57363. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0057363   


Conference contributions (poster/talk)

[ Talk, German] Gierszewski S, Müller K, Hütwohl JM, Smielik I, Kuhnert KD, Witte K (2015) Das Versuchstier der Zukunft? – Einsatzmöglichkeiten virtueller Fischmodelle in Partnerwahlexperimenten mit Breitflossenkärpflingen (Poecilia latipinna). 12. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Ichthyologie (GfI), Berlin, Germany

[Talk] Gierszewski S, Müller K, Hütwohl JM, Smielik I, Kuhnert KD, Witte K (2015) Validation of a virtual 3-D fish model for studying mate-choice copying in sailfin mollies (Poecilia latipinna). “Virtual Reality”-Symposium at the 34th International Ethological Conference (Behaviour 2015), Cairns, Australia

[Poster] Gierszewski S, Müller K, Kuhnert KD, Witte K (2014) The virtual Lover – Do real fish interact with 3-D fish in questions of mate-choice? 107. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Göttingen, Germany 

[Poster] Gierszewski S, Müller K, Kuhnert KD, Witte K (2014, Poster) The virtual Lover – Do real fish interact with 3-D fish in questions of mate-choice? 6th Conference of Poeciliid Biologists, Exeter, UK 

[Poster] Gierszewski S, Müller K, Kuhnert KD, Witte K (2014, Poster) The virtual Lover – Do real fish interact with 3-D fish in questions of mate-choice? XV Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology, New York City, USA   



[Exhibition, German] The “Virtual fish“-project at the “Science-Schau-Fenster” 19.-30.10.2015. Public exhibition of research projects of the University of Siegen in the city of Siegen. Presentation of current research ( poster1 , poster2 ) in a shop window ( picture1 , picture2 ).

[Daily news article, German] The “Virtual fish“-project in the daily news (Siegener Zeitung, 12.02.2015).

Organizer of the symposium “Virtual Reality: Computer animation as a tool in animal behavior research“ at 34th International Ethological Conference 2005 in Cairns, Australia. http://iec2015-symposium.wix.com/virtual-reality