Kureck, I. M., Witte, K. (2020). Habitatwahl von Mauerasseln und Kellerasseln - Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsweisen an einem konkreten Beispiel vermitteln. BU praktisch (in press). Online Filmmaterial :
Witte, K., Kniel, N., Kureck, I.M. 2015. Mate-choice copying - Status quo and where to go. Current Zoology. 61(6): 1073-1081
Kureck IM (2013) Alternative reproductive tactics, sexual selection and the effects of inbreeding in the ant Hypoponera opacior. Dissertation. Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz. URN: urn:nbn:de:hebis:77-33243
Kureck IM, Nicolai B, Foitzik S (2013) Selection for early emergence, longevity and large body size in wingless, sib-mating ant males. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology
Kureck IM, Nicolai B, Foitzik S (2013) Similar performance of diploid and haploid males in an ant species without inbreeding avoidance. Ethology 119:360-367
Kureck IM, Jongepier E, Nicolai B, Foitzik S (2012) No inbreeding depression but increased sexual investment in highly inbred ant colonies. Molecular Ecology21:5613-5623
Foitzik S, Rüger MH, Kureck IM, Metzler D (2011) Macro- and microgeographic genetic structure in an ant species with alternative reproductive tactics in sexuals. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:2721-2730
Kureck IM, Neumann A, Foitzik S (2011) Wingless ant males adjust mate-guarding behaviour to the competitive situation in the nest. Animal Behaviour 82:339-346
Foitzik S, Kureck IM, Rüger MH, Metzler D (2010) Alternative reproductive tactics and the impact of local competition on sex ratios in the ant Hypoponera opacior. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 64:1641-1654
Vorträge und Präsentationen
[Poster] Kureck IM, Engelhard C, Witte K (2016) Chemical signalling in Poeciliid fishes: Analysis of released substances and their relevance during mate choice.Workshop “Olfaction: Sampling methods, GC-MS profiling and statistical analyses”, Leipzig. Organizer: Behavioral Ecology Group, Institute of Biology, Leipzig University
[Vortrag] Kureck IM, Jongepier E, Nicolai B, Foitzik S (2012). Increased sexual investment in a highly inbred ant. 105th annual meeting of the DZG, Konstanz, Germany
[Vortrag] Kureck IM, Neumann A, Foitzik S (2012) How to deal with local mate competition – an extraordinary mating behaviour in wingless ant males. 17thGraduate meeting of the section Evolutionary Biology of the DZG, Siegen, Germany (Vortragspreis)
[Vortrag] Kureck IM, Foitzik S (2011) Intracolonial conflicts in the ant Hypoponera opacior. Biological evening seminar at the Southwestern Research Station, Arizona, USA
[Vortrag] Kureck IM, Neumann A, Foitzik S (2011) Guarding of pupae and killing of young rivals – mate competition in wingless Hypoponera males. Central European meeting of the IUSSI in Papenburg, Germany
[Poster] Kureck IM, Rüger MH, Metzler D, Foitzik S (2010) Alternative reproductive tactics and the influence of local competition on sex allocation in the ant Hypoponera opacior. XVI Congress of the IUSSI in Copenhagen, Denmark