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Edrees Abu Zeitoun




Edrees Abu Zeitoun, M.Sc.


Universität Siegen
Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Fakultät
Department Chemie-Biologie
Institut für Bau- und Werkstoffchemie
Paul-Bonatz-Str. 9-11
57076 Siegen-Weidenau

Tel.: 0271-740 4750 (direkt)
Sekr.: 0271-740 2901
Fax: 0271-740 2938

E-Mail:  abuzeitoun@chemie.uni-siegen.de



 Forschungsschwerpunkte (Main fields of research)

  • Understanding of the Crystallization and nucleation processes of the calcium sulfate-water system
  • Investigation of materials for thermochemical energy storages throughout the reversible solid state reaction and the impact factor of some inorganic additives on the thermophysical and bulk properties of the materials

Methoden (methods)

  • Particle Size Distribution(PSD), Differential Calorimetric Analysis(DCA), Ca-Ion Selective Electrode (Ca-ISE), Optical Microscope (OM) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM.

Forschungsprojekte (research projects)

  • Thermal energy storages.
  • Calcium sulfate-water system crystalization and seed formation