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Fuad Kabir Moni




M.Sc. Fuad Kabir Moni


Universität Siegen
Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Fakultät
Department Chemie - Biologie
Institut für Bau- und Werkstoffchemie
Paul-Bonatz-Str. 9-11
57068 Siegen

Tel.: 0271-740 4655 (direkt)
Sekr.: 0271-740 2901
Fax: 0271-740 2938
E-Mail: fuad@chemie.uni-siegen.de


Forschungsschwerpunkte (Main fields of research)

  • oNew regeneration process of foundry sand and utilization liquid waste from the regeneration system in rice husk ash and fly ash based geopolymers.

Methoden (methods)

  • Gas Adsorption 

Pubklikationen (peer-reviewed) (publications)

  • F. M. Mustafizur Rahman, S. M. Fuad Kabir Moni, Md. Nurnabi, A. M. Sarwaruddin, Chowdhury and Md. Al Amin Sikder, Chemical and Biological Investigations of Axonopus compressus, Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal 17(1): 113-115, 2014
  • S M Fuad Kabir Moni, Preparation and Characterization of Mixed Li-Cu Argyrodites,  Itinerant magnetism and superconductivity in intermetallic compounds, At  TU Dresden, May 2014

Weitere Veröffentlichungen (further publications)

  • S M Fuad Kabir Moni, S. Mohd. Yonos Qattali, Torsten Kowald, Reinhard H. F. Trettin, Investigations on the reactivity of TiO2 nano particles and nano tubes (TiNTs) with Ca(OH)2 and C3S via hydrothermal approach(On going)

Forschungsprojekte (research projects)

  • Modification of UHPC with agricultural waste materials with replace of the industrial wastes.
  • Investigation on reactivity of TiO2 (nano particles) and TiNTs in Ca(OH)2 and C3S.
  • Characterizations and influence of iron pigments nano particles on the hydration of the Portland cement.
  • Influence of ZnO nanoparticles on cementitious system.
  • Preparation and characterization of mixed Li-Cu Argyrodites.