Curriculum Vitae
Since 3/2020 | Professor of Chemistry and Structure of novel Materials, University of Siegen |
12/2016-2/2020 | Habilitation, Chair for Surface Science and Corrosion, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. Topic: “Complex multifunctional metal oxide - organic composite nanostructures“ (aborted due to call); parental leave 9/18-4/19 |
2014 | Research visit to the National ESCA and Surface Analysis Center for Biomedical Problems, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, Prof. D.G. Castner. Topic: „Stabilization of dry protein coatings“ |
10/2013-11/2016 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Department Materials Science, FAU Erlangen |
5/2009-9/2013 | PhD at the Department Materials Science, FAU Erlangen; 9/13 Dissertation (Grade 1.0, summa cum laude) at the Chair for Surface Science and Corrosion, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, supervised by Prof. P. Schmuki. Topic: “Organic modification of TiO2 and other metal oxides with SAMs and proteins - a surface analytical investigation“ |
2/2008-4/2009 | Research assistant, Dr. J. Kunze, Department Materials Science, FAU Erlangen |
11/2006-12/2007 | Research assistant, Prof. H.-P. Steinrück, Institute of Physical Chemistry II – Projekt “Surface studies on Ionic Liquids“, DFG SPP 1191 “Ionic Liquids“ |
2003-2007 | Studied Molecular Science, FAU Erlangen |
Other academic successes
- Since 10/19: Member International SIMS committee
- 10/19: International SIMS conference - SIMS XXII – young scientist award
- 6/19: International Visiting Scholarship, FAU
- 2/18: Best Lecturer Award MAP (Elite Program Advanced Materials and Processes, FAU)
- Reviewer for international journals, member of topics board “Coatings”
- Organization of workshops and seminars