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Kakar Faiz, M.Sc.


PhD student





Kakar Faiz


University of Siegen
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Chemistry-Biology
Chemistry and Structure of New Materials Paul-Bonatz-Str. 9-11
57076 Siegen-Weidenau
Room PB B 012

Tel.: 0271-740 2123

Email: faiz.kakar[at]uni-siegen.de


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Research projects:

Investigating the mechanism of increasing the rate of C3S hydration in the presence of additives.


Open topics for student projects:


  • Modification of concrete surface.
  • Investigating the influencing factors on the synthesis of cement phases with high percentage purity. 



Supervised student projects:


  • Investigating the influencing factors on C3S synthesis.
  • Detection of clinker phases by etching process.
  • Investigating the influencing factors on the synthesis of cement phases with high purity percentage.