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Dr. Swathi Naidu






Dr. Swathi Naidu Vakamulla Raghu

Junior Group Leader - Biomaterials

NOMAD project co-ordinator for CSnM 


Universität Siegen
Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Fakultät
Department Chemie-Biologie
Chemie und Struktur neuer Materialien              Paul-Bonatz-Str. 9-11
57076 Siegen-Weidenau
Raum PB A 415

Tel.: 0271-740 2968

E-Mail: swathi.naidu[at]uni-siegen.de

Orchid: 0000-0001-8960-9581


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research_gate Scholar


Research projects:

Zirconia nanotubes for biomedical applications

Depth controlled functionalization of oxide nanostructures with functional organic molecules


Open topics for student projects:


1. Investigating anodized zirconia as reinforcing material in conductive polymers/ Bio-polymers- composites- Thesis (MA)

The CSnM group offers the possibility to fabricate and evaluate composites made of anodized zirconia and intrinsically conductive polymers and/or with bio-polymers for enhanced functionality in the fields of biomedicine and for environmental protection strategies. Chemical synthesis routes for composite development and qualitative testing will be performed with respect to individual application area. Scope for modifying project details remain open.


2. Investigating the influence of nanotube morphology on SAM behaviour and their applications - Miniproject (BA/MA)

The CSnM group offers the possibility to fabricate and evaluate oxide nanostructures of anodized zirconia. The stability of the structures is to be evaluated in dependency of the anodization parameters with a focus on electrolyte composition.


3. Investigation on bio-remediation and waste water treatment using Zirconia based composite materials – Thesis (MA)

The CSnM group offers the possibility to fabricate and evaluate composites made of anodized zirconia and bio-polymers for enhanced functionality in the fields of water filtration and surface modification to prevent fouling and bacterial contamination. Bio-film formation and dependency with regard to surface structures will also be evaluated. Scope for modifying project details remains open.


Supervised student projects:

- Surface modification of anodized zirconia for bio-medical sensor applications (MA)

- Tailoring a biologically active interface to enhance bio-compatibility of ZrO2 for soft-tissue integration (MA)

- Evaluation of surface modification of zirconia nanostructures via μCP and bulk immersion (research project)
- Qualitative investigation of mechanical stability of nanoporous ZrO2 and protein coated nanostructures  (research project)