Chemie und Struktur neuer Materialien
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We develop nanostructures made of anodic oxides, which are coated with functional organic molecules. Our goal is to create complex, multifunctional nanostructures. For this we use anodic oxidation, self-accumulating monolayers and surface analysis (SEM, ToF-SIMS, XPS..). Details about our ongoing and planned projects can be found under Research .
February 17, 2022
Another publication from our working group has been published open access: " One-dimensional suboxide TiO 2 nanotubes for electrodics applications "
January 24, 2022
Another publication from our working group has been published: " Functionalization strategies to facilitate multi-depth, multi-molecule modifications of nanostructured oxides for triggered release applications "
Swathi Naidu's poster "Nanostructured Zirconia (ZrO 2 ): from anodization to potential bio-medical implants" receives the third highest poster rating in the public vote in the Faraday Discussions "Next Generation Nanoelectrochemistry".
November 1, 2021
Dr. Mohajernia and Prof. Killian edit the special volume " Innovative Strategies for (Photo)Electrocatalytic Water Splitting and CO 2 Reduction " in the journal "Catalysts" (IF. 4.146) together with Dr. Anca Mazare, FAU Erlangen
August 24, 2021
Another publication from our working group has been published open access: " Wetting Behavior of Zirconia nanotubes "
August 8, 2021
Another publication from our working group has been published: " Zirconia nanotube coatings - UV-resistant superhydrophobic surfaces "
July 20, 2021
CSnM takes part in the " Workshop on scale-bridging 3D-characterization and data evaluation" at the MNaF Siegen.
July 12, 2021
M.Sc. Gabriel Onyenso was accepted as a doctoral scholarship holder by HYT and will carry out a doctorate at CSnM on the topic of "Controlled drug release from ZrO 2 -Nanostructures". Congratulations and welcome to the team!
May 17, 2021
Dr. Edrees Abu-Zeitoun accepts the position of Assistant Professor at the American International University , Kuwait, on September 1st, 2021. We congratulate you on this success!
May 10, 2021
Dr. Jean-Marie Vianney Nsanzimana receives an MSC-Cofund-STAR PostDoc fellowship for a collaboration project at the LMN and CSnM on hydrogen production. Congratulations!
Dr. Shiva Mohajernia receives the "ISE award for young electrochemists". We congratulate you on this success!
March 17, 2021
Dr. Christian Pritzel and Dr. Sandra Afflerbach (AK Krumm) received an award for the best poster contribution at the 3rd International Conference on the Chemistry of the Construction Materials - ICCCM 2020. Title of the contribution: "A basic study on the morphology and composition of ettringite crystals in dependence of temperature" . Congratulations!
October 21, 2020
BSc Gabriel Onyenso receives the STIBET scholarship for master's students at the University of Siegen. We warmly congratulate you!
The University of Siegen's new future magazine , Journey through the Nanocosmos , appears with an article about our working group (pp. 27-32).
July 20, 2020
Another publication from our working group has been published: " A high-field anodic NiO nanosponge with tunable thickness for application in p-type dye sensitized solar cells "
June/July 2020
CSnM takes part in the SEM/FIB & SIMS School of the MNaF Siegen.