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Dr. Yaming Yu

Yu Yaming


Former PostDoc in an independent junior research group in the field of

Nanotechnology and Bioelectrochemistry of the federal state NRW at the University Siegen.



Universität Siegen
Junior research group Dr. Gilbert Nöll
57068 Siegen

Telephone: +49 271 740-4361
Telefax: +49 271 740-4362
E-Mail: yu@chemie.uni-siegen.de
Room: AR-F 001


Curriculum Vitae



  born on 10th of September 1980, in Liaoning, P. R. China
  Citizenship: Chinese

Professional Experience

04/2010 - 04/2011 PostDoc in an independent junior research group in the field of Nanotechnology and Bioelectrochemistry of the federal state NRW at the University Siegen
08/2008 - 03/2010
Work as a PhD student under supervision of Prof. Holger Frey, Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Mainz
09/2006 - 07/2008
Work as a PhD student under supervision of Prof.Wolfgang Knoll, Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz


09/2006 - 02/2010

Major in Material Science at Max-Planck-Institut for Polymer Research, Mainz and Organic Chemistry Institute at the University of Mainz, Germany

Doctor Degree of Science


09/2003 - 04/2006 Major in Applied Chemistry at Department of Chemical Engineering North University of China Master's degree in Engineering
09/1999 - 07/2003

Major in Chemical Engineering at Department of Chemical Engineering North University of China, Bachelors Degree of Engineering


Language Skills

  english (fluent)