Prof. Dr. Thomas Lenzer
Universität Siegen
Physikalische Chemie 2
AR-F 0101
Adolf-Reichwein-Str. 2
57076 Siegen
Tel.: +49 (0)271 740 2803 (AR-F 0101)
Tel.: +49 (0)271 740 4123 (AR-F 0205)
Fax: +49 (0)271 740 12803
Research Keywords
- Photoinduced dynamics of chiral molecular systems (DFG: coproject with K. Oum)
- Ultrafast photoinduced charge separation and migration in thin films for photovoltaics (DFG: coproject with K. Oum since 2014)
- Photoinduced charge carrer dynamics of solar cell dyes on semiconductor thin flms
- Ultrafast photoinduced processes of carotenoids
- Femtosecond dynamics in ionic liquids (DFG, SPP 1191, coproject with K. Oum, 2008-2013)
- Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of anions
- Photochemistry of molecular switches
- Energy transfer of highly excited molecules (former DFG, SFB 357)
Diploma in Chemistry (1991, Univ. of Göttingen), Visiting researcher (1992, Univ. of Sydney, Prof. R. G. Gilbert), Ph.D. in Chemistry (1995, Univ. of Göttingen, Prof. Dr. J. Troe), Post-Doc (1997-1999, UC Berkeley, Prof. D. M. Neumark), Habilitation in Physical Chemistry (2008, Univ. of Göttingen), University Professor (2010, Univ. of Siegen)
Awards: ADUC-Prize (2002), Dr. Otto Röhm Gedächtnisstiftung-Preis (11.2005), DFG-Postdoctoral fellowship (1997-1999)
GDCh-Ortsverbandsvorsitzender (von SS 2011 bis WS 2014/2015)