How to reach us in AR-F Building
Post address:
Universität Siegen
Physikalische Chemie 2
Raum AR-F 0101 / AR-F 0205
Adolf-Reichwein-Str. 2,
57076 Siegen
Office (Lenzer / Oum): AR-F 0101 (Tel.: 0271-740-2803, FAX: 0271-740-12803)
Office (Lenzer / Oum): AR-F 0205 (Tel.: 0271-740-4123)
Office (Group members): AR-F 0203 (Tel.: 0271-740-2808)
Office (Group members): AR-F 0205 (Tel.: 0271-740-4338 / 4123)
Labs: AR-F 02xx
GPS: 50.91082°N 8.02730°E
Please check out the main homepage of the Univ. Siegen for further information: