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The Powerlevel Calculator is a free piece of software published under the GPL. It is written in TCL/TK. TCL source files and binary versions for linux and MS Windows can be downloaded below. Binary distributions were compiled with the program freewrap. Use at your own risk.
Powerlevel Calculator can be used to calculate nutation frequencies, pulse lengths for given flip angles and powerlevels in dB. It may be configured via a separate file for each nucleus and probe. We use it for our Bruker spectrometer with rotor-synchronized R-/C-sequences to save time in calculating specific dB-values for given nutation frequencies.

Authors: Philipp von den Hoff, Jörn Schmedt auf der Günne
Description Version Language Platform
powerlevelcalculator-0.5.tar.bz2 (source/binary packet) 0.5 English Linux/Unix
powerlevelcalculator-0.5.zip (source/binary packet) 0.5 English Windows

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