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Latest News from the Inorganic Chemistry

Optical functional materials for LEDs


Due to the energy problem, in particular the current prohibition of filament lamps by the EU Commission, followed by the future prohibition of halogen lamps, the replacement of all these standard light sources by inorganic light-emitting diodes (LEDs) is expected within a maximum of 10 years. For this reason, new luminescent materials must be developed in order to fulfil the required efficiency, color quality, durability and price. The advantages of LEDs become obvious noting that 19% of all electrical energy is applied for lighting purposes. Replacing 50% of the conventional lamps would already save 1.6 billion tonnes of CO2 annually worldwide. This value can be definitely still increased! The currently used phosphors (Ce-YAG as well as nitrides, silicates or sulfides doped with Eu2+) provide several disadvantages such as low color quality and stability or high-temperature synthesis conditions, which require large amounts of energy.   

In order to solve these problems, new materials must be developed. Especially promising is the combination of inorganic solid state chemistry with different preparation methods (e.g. melting synthesis, solvothermal techniques and application of different solvents), including structure determination of the new compounds and the characterization of their luminescence properties. In this way, both new materials can be developed and synthesis conditions optimized.



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Latest News from the Inorganic Chemistry