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Latest News from the Inorganic Chemistry


The unusual antimony chemistry is typically dominated by the s2 ion, which determines the crystal structure. We have recently synthesized numerous compounds containing the novel cluster molecule Sb12O18, consisting of tetrahedrally arranged Sb3O3 rings. A particularly attractive example is the compound Sb12O18La4Cl12, in which these isolated molecular units are connected to each other by means of ionic LaCl3 chains. In other compounds, dimers, layers or networks of the cluster are formed, while this molecule is exceptionally isolated in the hybrid compound La4Sb12O18Cl17•5C6H14NO2.

As a next step, these new compounds shall be synthesized with Ce3+, followed by the characterization of the magnetic properties. Furthermore, the substitution of oxygen by sulfur atoms could lead to the possibility of binding these materials to gold surfaces for the application as optical sensors.
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Latest News from the Inorganic Chemistry