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Latest News from the Inorganic Chemistry

Dr. Flavie Lavoie-Cardinal


„Photoluminescence of divalent lanthanides and excitons in chloride host lattices”

Siegen, April 2011

Annual Reception of the Rector of the University of Siegen, 2011
Traditionally, the annual reception of the University of Siegen includes an award ceremony for outstanding theses, PhD dissertations and social engagement. In this event, the vice-rector for Research and New-Generation Scientists, Professor Peter Haring Bolivar, has handed over the following award:

Price for foreign student:
Dr. Flavie Lavoie-Cardinal: "Photoluminescence of divalent lanthanides and excitons in chloride host lattices" (dissertation)Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Claudia Wickleder (Faculty for Science and Technology, Department of chemistry and Biology)

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Latest News from the Inorganic Chemistry