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16. V Redox Properties of LODomains: chemical vs. photochemical reduction, and influence on the Photocycle. ChemBioChem; Nöll, G., Hauska, G., Hegemann, P., Lanzl, K., Nöll, T., von Sanden-Flohe, M., Dick, B. 2007; 8:2256-2264.
15. 13-Oxo-ODE is an endogenous ligand for PPARgamma in human colonic epithelial cells. Biochem Pharmacol.; Altmann, R., Hausmann, M., Spöttl, T., Gruber, M., Bull, A.W., Menzel, K., Vogl, D., Herfarth, H., Schölmerich, J., Falk, W., Rogler, G. 2007; 74:612-622.
14. (E)-metanicotine hemigalactarate (TC-2403-12) inhibits IL-8 production in cells of the inflamed mucosa. Int J Colorectal Dis; Spöttl, T., Petzel, C., Herfarth, H., Bencherif, M., Schölmerich, J., Greinwald, R., Gatto, G.J., Rogler, G. 2007; 22:303-312.
13. Serum soluble TNF receptor I and II levels correlate with disease activity in IBD patients. Inflamm Bowel Dis; Spöttl, T., Hausmann, M., Klebl, F., Dirmeier, A., Klump, B., Hoffmann, J., Herfarth, H., Timmer, A., Rogler, G. 2007; 13:727-732.
12. Role of soluble factors and three-dimensional culture in in vitro differentiation of intestinal macrophages. World J Gastroenterol; Spöttl, T., Hausmann, M., Menzel, K., Piberger, H., Herfarth, H., Schölmerich, J., Bataille F., Rogler, G. 2007; 13:1032-1041.
11. A new organotypic model to study cell interactions in the intestinal mucosa. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol; Spöttl, T., Hausmann, M., Gunckel, M., Herfarth, H., Herlyn, M., Schölmerich, J., Rogler, G. 2006; 18:901-909.
10. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) inhibits the intestinal-like differentiation of monocytes. Clin Exp Immunol; Spöttl, T., Hausmann, M., Herlyn, M., Gunckel, M., Dirmeier, A., Falk, W., Herfarth, H., Schölmerich, J., Rogler G. 2006;145:190-199.
9. Glycoprotein (gp) 96 expression: induced during differentiation of intestinal macrophages but impaired in Crohn's disease. Gut; Schreiter, K., Hausmann, M., Spöttl, T., Strauch, U.G., Bataille, F., Schölmerich, J., Herfarth, H., Falk, W., Rogler, G. 2005; 54:935-943.
8. Physiological role of macrophage inflammatory protein-3 alpha induction during maturation of intestinal macrophages. J Immunol; Hausmann, M., Bataille, F., Spöttl, T., Schreiter, K., Falk, W., Schölmerich, J., Herfarth, H., Rogler, G. 2005; 175:1389-1398.
7. Functional expression of the interleukin-11 receptor alpha-chain and evidence of antiapoptotic effects in human colonic epithelial cells. J Biol Chem; Kiessling, S., Muller-Newen, G., Leeb, S.N., Hausmann, M., Rath, H.C., Strater, J., Spöttl, T., Schlottmann, K., Grossmann, J., Montero-Julian, F.A., Schölmerich, J., Andus, T., Buschauer, A., Heinrich, P.C., Rogler, G. 2004; 279:10304-10315.
6. Cathepsin D is up-regulated in inflammatory bowel disease macrophages. Clin Exp Immunol; Hausmann, M., Obermeier, F., Schreiter, K., Spöttl, T., Falk, W., Schölmerich, J., Herfarth, H., Saftig, P., Rogler, G. 2004; 136:157-167.
5. Thioredoxin reductase 1 expression in colon cancer: discrepancy between in vitro and in vivo findings. Lab Invest; Lechner, S., Müller-Ladner, U., Neumann, E., Spöttl, T., Schlottmann, K., Ruschoff, J, Schölmerich, J., Kullmann, F. 2003; 83:1321-1331.
4. Toll-like Receptors 2 and 4 Are Up-regulated During Intestinal Inflammation. Gastroenterology; Hausmann, M., Kiessling, S., Mestermann, S., Webb, G., Spöttl, T., Andus, T., Schölmerich, J., Herfarth, H., Ray, K., Falk, W., Rogler, G. 2002; 122: 1987-2000.
3. Subtractive screening reveals upregulation of NADPH oxidase expression in Crohn’s disease intestinal macrophages. Clin Exp Immunol; Hausmann, M., Spöttl, T., Herfarth, H., Rothe, G., Falk, W., Schölmerich, J., Andus, T., Rogler, G. 2001; 123:1-9.
2. Monocyte differentiation in intestine-like macrophage phenotype induced by epithelial cells. J Leukoc Biol; Spöttl T, Hausmann M, Kreutz M, Peuker A, Vogl D, Schölmerich J, Falk W, Andreesen R, Andus T, Herfarth H, Rogler G. 2001; 70:241-251.
1. T-cell co-stimulatory molecules are upregulated on intestinal macrophages from inflammatory bowel disease mucosa. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol; Rogler, G., M. Hausmann, T. Spöttl, D. Vogl, E. Aschenbrenner, T. Andus, W. Falk, J. Schölmerich and V. Gross. 1999; 11:1105-1111.