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Publications (AG Lenzer/Oum)                                   

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Directly to: 2025   2024  2023  2022   2021   2020   2019    2018    2017     2016     2015    

2014     2013    2012     2011     2010     2009-2005    2004-2000    1999-1992






(99) Gust, D., Merker, A., Knötig, K. M., Oum, K. and Lenzer, T.

Photoinduced dynamics of [N(C3H7)4]2Cu4Br6 thin films with dual self‐trapped exciton emission and negative thermal quenching

submitted (2024)


(98) Gust, D., Morgenroth, M., Scholz, M., Schumacher, V., Mulatier, J.-C., Pitrat, D., Guy, L., Oum, K. and Lenzer, T.

Dependence of circularly polarised luminescence of chiral copolymer thin films on film thickness, annealing temperature and detection geometry

submitted (2024)


- Lenzer, T. and Oum, K.

Electronic Chiroptical Properties of Supramolecular Polymer Assemblies

 BUNSEN-MAGAZIN, 26.JAHRGANG, 5, 134 (2024)


(97) Gust, D., Scholz, M., Schumacher, V., Mulatier, J.-C., Pitrat, D., Guy, L., Oum, K. and Lenzer, T.

Annealing temperature-dependent induced supramolecular chiroptical response of copolymer thin films studied by pump-modulated transient circular dichroism spectroscopy

Sci. Rep., 14, 12694 (2024)         Open access    https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-63126-4


(96) Knötig, K. M., Gust, D., Oum, K. and Lenzer, T.

Excited-State Dynamics of Carbazole and tert-Butyl-Carbazole in Thin Films

Photochem, Special Issue Feature Papers in Photochemistry II,  4, 179 (2024)             Open access          selected as the Journal homepage banner


(95) Knötig, K. M., Gust, D., Lenzer, T. and Oum, K.

Excited-State Dynamics of Carbazole and tert-Butyl-Carbazole in Organic Solvents

Photochem, Special Issue Feature Papers in Photochemistry II, 4, 163 (2024)              Open access