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Dr. Mirko Scholz

MSfoto  (left: M. Morgenroth, right: M. Scholz)


Universität Siegen
Physikalische Chemie 2
Adolf-Reichwein-Str. 2
57076 Siegen
Büro: AR-F 0205
Tel: 0271 740 4338
Email: scholz at chemie.uni-siegen.de


Topics of Research and Development in Siegen:

  • Photoinduced dynamics of molecular and supramolecular systems
  • Development of laser spectroscopy based on femtosecond laser systems (optomechanics, electronics, laser safety, etc.)
  • Development of software for controlling system in transient absorption, CD, Raman spectroscopy
  • Development of software for controlling system in steady-state CD and CPL microscopy
  • Development of software for global kinetic modelling in transient absorption spectroscopy 
  • Development of software for controlling system using step-scan FTIR spectroscopy for photocurrent measurements in thin film

Publication list


Education and earlier professional experience:

  • Ph. D. Thesis, "Spectroscopy of energy conversion processes in materials for optoelectronic applications", Univ. Siegen, supervisor Prof. Dr. Thomas Lenzer (2020)
  • Diploma in Chemistry, Univ. Göttingen
  • Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (Göttingen)


Teaching experience in Univ. Siegen:

  • Co-Lecturer and head of lab course "Physikalische Chemie" for B.Sc. chemistry students ("Statistical calculations in physical chemistry")
  • Co-Lecturer in lecture, exercise, seminar "Communication technique" for B.Sc. chemistry students
  • Co-Lecturer in lecture, exercise "Phys. Chem. II, reaction kinetics" for B.Sc. chemistry students
  • Supervising and Co-Supervising Bachelor and Master thesis for chemistry students
  • Lecturer for Moodle course "Introduction to data analysis using Python" ("Einführung in die Datenauswertung mittels Python")