Dr. Petra Krystek
Dr. Petra Krystek gained her PhD in analytical chemistry, and she has more than 25 years of experience within this field; especially in method development with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) and instrumental hyphenations with various separation techniques (e.g. GC, LC and AF4). Her research is strongly application focused, regarding to ultra-trace, speciation and nano-analysis (incl. micro-/nano-plastics) but also sampling and sample pre-treatment strategies. The (scientific) quality assurance is very crucial for her, and she has fulfilled international roles as lead and technical assessor regarding to laboratory quality management systems (ISO/IEC 17025). Dr. Petra Krystek has worked at research institutes as well as in industries in Germany and the Netherlands. Her research is characterized by its embedding in a broad international network consisting of outstanding research groups, while she has been leading many interdisciplinary research projects about anthropogenic substances and possible impact and effects to health, environment (focus: water – soil), and sustainability
Key University Affiliations
- Visiting Lecturer, University of Siegen, Germany, Department of Chemistry and Biology, 2018 – present
- Visiting Fellow at VU (Vrije Universiteit) Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Department Environment & Health, 2009 – 2022
- Dr. rer. nat. in analytical chemistry (thesis in analytical chemistry entitled "Entwicklung routinefähiger ICP-MS-Methoden zur Spurenbestimmung praxisrelevanter dotierter Platingruppenmetalle in photographischen Emulsionen", Prof. Klaus Heumann), Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany, 1999
- Master of Science / Diplom-Chemiker (thesis in ecological chemistry entitled "Wirkung des Bakterizids Enrofloxacin auf ökologisch relevante Bodenbakterien", Prof. Michael Spiteller), University of Kassel, Germany, 1995
Service to the University of Siegen
Visiting Lecturer, Department of Chemistry & Biology, 2018 – present.
Seminar in the module “Modern analytical chemistry II” in the 2nd semester of the M.Sc. Chemistry program. Focus topics: validation and quality systems of laboratories Co-supervision of student projects and thesis activities, 2021 – present
Service to the Scientific Community
Member of Editorial Board of the journal Chemosphere, 2016 – present
Lead Assessor (on request) for ISO/IEC 17025: general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA), Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2016 – present
Technical Assessor (on request) for ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO/IEC 17043: inorganic, wet chemical and organic analyses, Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA), Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2002 – present; BELAC - accreditation organization, Brussel, Belgium, 2016 – present
Associate and titular member of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), division Analytical Chemistry, 2018 – 2021
Associate member of German Research Foundation (DFG), working group Analysis in biological Material (AibM), 2018 – 2021
Member of the Dutch Program Board TKI Water technology, 2017 – 2021
Board member and secretary of the Section Analytical Chemistry (SAC) from the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society (KNCV), 2008 – 2018
Board member of the Working group Atomic Spectrometry (WAS) from KNCV, 2005 – 2015
Guest editor of issue Nano analysis, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2012
Expert in working group elemental analysis of the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines (EDQM), 2006 – 2010
Active roles at leading international conferences; chairing and organizing sessions
Contact Information:
University of Siegen
Department of Chemistry and Biology
Adolf-Reichwein Str. 2
D-57068 Siegen
E-Mail: petra.krystek at uni-siegen dot de