Dr. rer. nat. Mareike Müller
Research Focus: Cellular and Applied Microbiology
Dr. rer. nat. Mareike MüllerUniversity of SiegenPhysical Chemistry I / Cellular and Applied Microbiology AR-F001 Adolf-Reichwein-Str. 2 57076 Siegen Tel.: +49 (0)271 / 740 - 4174 Mobil: +49 (0) 151 17217153 |
Research Areas
- microbial biofilms
- pseudomonas aeruginosa infections in lung infections in cystic fibrosis
- antimicrobial biomaterials
- microbial endocrinology & bacterial communication systems
- innovative detection methods for bacterial contaminations
- cell biology at polymeric interfaces
Running Projects
Spatially targeted eradication of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria: Novel polymer-based photodynamic therapy following aerosol lung delivery, TARGET-THERAPYBMBF, 2nd French-German call for projects on antimicrobial resistance 2020 (DF-AMR.2) Development of theranostic hybrid materials for the treatment of cutaneous Leishmaniasis. –LEISHMACUREBMBF “Programme Advocating Woman Scientists in STEM“ (PAWS), founding of African-German collaborations, definition phase |
Former Projects
Impact of estradiol and patient sex on biofilm growth of p. aeruginosa CF-IsolatesPrize of the Christiane Herzog Foundation to promote young scientists in cystic fibrosis research Development of a coculture platform to investigate the interkingdom crosstalk between bacterial biofilms and the host organismMax Buchner Research Foundation (DECHEMA), MBFSt key number: 3671 Impact of Estradiol on the development and dynamics of bacterial biofilmsProject funding by the equal opportunities
office of the University of Siegen:
PhD Students
Bachelor and Master students
B.Sc. Michael Greiter
Melanie Baumgartner
Daniela Nordhoff
M.Sc. Winny Chelangat (Erasmus+, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT), Kenia)
M.Sc. María del Rosario Agustín, INBIOSUR, Argentinien
M.Sc. Samira Eisazadehrazlighi, Gorgan University of Agricultural sciences & Natural Resources, Iran
Erasmus+ Master students
Celestine Kathure Kinyua, Ayub Omondi Owino (Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT), Kenia)